Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Board Game Madness 11/22

BGM will not be out next week, or will at least be delayed as I have a minor surgical procedure on my shoulder. If it comes out will fully depend on how loopy I am from the pain meds…

  • CONTEST: North Star Games (makers of Say Anything) is running a contest to win a free iPad. Go through the BGG page for the rules. Make sure you tell them I sent you so I can get a free game if you win (which will mean that I will have to play the game with you first of course!) 
  • “So I go the table to play a game of Merchants and Marauders and you’ll never believe the skullduggery I encountered! This guy parroted every action I made and then stole my loot!!! 
  • Have to show this to my son – Lego Chess 
  • Awesome geeklist called “Games Where Some Guy Just Totally Flipped Out” with great anecdotes
  • From the This is Totally Wrong department, we have a mock ad for My Little Pony Hide & Seek 
  • The BoardGameGeek Golden Geek Winners were announced with game of the year honors going to Dominant Species (oh my God, NOT 7 Wonders!!! (although that did win best card and family game)
New Games:
  • Innovation: Figures in the Sand: New expansion for Innovation that brings in people civilization moods. Due out August 2012 
  • Article 27: The UN Security Council Game: Negotiation game a la Diplomacy where every player takes a shot at being the Security General and leads negotiations over five issues. Looks interesting. Release unknown.
Happy gaming and Happy Thanksgiving!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Board Game Madness 11/15


New Games:
  • Zombie Dice 2: Double Feature: Yes, there’s a new expansion for the family friendly game of eating human brains. 3 new dice and movie simulations – Big Summer Action Movie and Santa Claus Meets the Zombies. Not sure of the release date on this one.
  • Fresco Card Game: No link yet, but expected end of Q1/early Q2 from Queen games
  • Jungle Speed Raving Rabids: Expansion to the popular dexterity game. Now you have to possibly grab a character sitting on top of the totem or create rabbit ears on your head. Looks silly, but then again Jungle Speed tends to be (and that’s good!)
  • Schlock Mercenary: This is in the Kickstarter phase so it is still seeking funding, but they have reached their goal of $25K. As you’d expect from the farcical webcomic, this one is a multi-player shooter set in the SM universe. Scenario books and dice come with, so I imagine this will probably align with an RPG-like board game such as Castle Ravenloft.

  • Games reduced in price in the last week: Medici ($1.99), Ra: ($1.99), Tikal ($1.99), Bohnanza ($1.99), Bang! ($2.99)
  • Tigris and Euphrates is now out ($5.99). It’s got pass and play and online multiplayer available. Also an AI at different levels. I’m not a big fan of the game, as I know some people are, but this one is highly anticipated. Apparently there are a few bugs, but the fixes have been promised. At this point, the game is waiting for Apple to signoff, but that is apparently imminent.
  • Keltis HD (Lost Cities-like game) released this week.

  • I mentioned a while ago that there was a new TV channel that was a joint venture between Hasbro and Discovery Communications. They are about to kick off a miniseries based on the board game Clue. They have other shows based on Scrabble and Life.

Happy Gaming!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Board Game Madness 11/9

Sorry about the day late… BTW, anyone want to feel depressed that Stairway to Heaven is 40 years old???


New Games:
  • Frankendie: Combine the pattern recognition game of Set with assembling creatures a la Norbert and you have this seemingly loud and fun game. Probably not out until after Christmas
  • Carcassonne Expansions: From the I Wouldn’t Believe It If I… Wait, Who Am I Kidding Department, yes, three more expansions for the Rio Grande seminal tile laying game. Crop Circles, Plagues and Tunnels.

  • Trivial Pursuit has now taken to the iPad – available now
  • Elder Sign: Omens released
  • Dominant Species is still in testing (expect a couple of more months)
  • Tigris & Euphrates updated to 11/14 release

  • Saturday 11/12 is National Gaming Day at Your Library! The writeup for North Merrick is “Join the North Merrick Public Library, as thousands of libraries throughout the country host special gaming events in celebration of National Gaming Day. There will be plenty of video games, board games and tournaments to entertain the whole family. Open to Teens, Tweens and their families.” Participating libraries are:
    • North Merrick
    • Farmingdale
    • Island Park
    • Long Beach
    • South Huntington
    • Huntington
Happy gaming!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Board Game Madness 11/1/11 (The Date of 1s)

  • I’ve found a video cast/TV show about Board Gaming called Shut Up and Sit Down. I LOVE this show. It’s funny, they review games from Power Grid to Descent, so it’s across the entire genre. Two English gamers that have a great sense of humor and good reviews on games. They’ve done 5 ½ episodes so far.
  • Pastry gaming: Small World
  • Drinking games: Agricola beer
  • OK, the pieces to the new game Poseidon’s Kingdom may be too cute to play
  • I’ve been known to play games in strange places from time to time. Zombie Dice or Lord of the Fries in a restaurant, D&D in an airport… but how about Sid Meier’s Civilization in a subway station???
  • Contest #1: Want to win a free copy of Ticket to Ride Asia? Like DoW on Facebook and you and a friend (who may be me?) will win free copies.
  • Contest #2: Want to win a free copy of Dominion: Hinterlands? Like ISlayTheDragon on Facebook and you (not a friend who may be me) will win a free copy. There’s other ways to win too.
  • MeepleSource.com is putting out non-standard meeples to be used in your games. I am SERIOUSLY considering making my next Blood Bowl team meeples.
New Games:
  • GameChanger: Identity Games has released an iPad add-on that allows you to play one of two kids games by plugging into the iPad and letting you use the board to interact with the digital interface. This is available for the holidays and one of the kids games is the Magic School Bus, a favorite of my kids.

  • Reiner Knizia’s Lines of Gold out now
  • Ghost Stories updated for 4-monk play
  • Elder Sign: Omens (Horror dice game) announced and available very soon apparently
  • Bang! is now multiplayer
  • Cyclades out now
  • War of Words is available for the iPad and is apparently combat Scrabble. Not sure how this works, but you can blow words up.
  • Tigris & Euphrates pushed back to November

  • 7 Wonders won a-(yawn)-nother game in Denmark. Don’t get me wrong, I really like the game and its accessibility to a large group of people, but this is getting a little ridiculous. Maybe I should just report on who wins second.
  • Want to make custom pieces for your favorite games? Roland DG Corp is now doing 3D modeling with a more desktop-sized device (so they say… no prices yet)
Happy gaming!