- New expansion: Ticket to Ride: Olympic edition?
- This is a street I’d avoid in that part of town
- Setters of Catan dice frequency chart. Pretty cool actually…
- OK, this is one of the creepiest things I’ve ever seen
- Run away!!
- Stained glass dice – you can use it to decorate your house!
New Games:
- P.I.: Martin Wallace is coming out with a pure deduction game. Over three cases, the winner is the best at solving their crimes. You manage the details for the player next to you. Players investigate locations on a map by narrowing dow the choices available based on evidence cards and use of investigators (workers). Release Q4 2012.
- Jungle Ascent: Build a path up the infamous Cliff of Frab in the jungle of the Oobydoobies (yes, that’s really the name). Grab all the treasure and stick it to the other adventurers. Action points a la The Adventurers. Release Fall 2012.
- Recently released: Montana, Plato 3000, Quills
- Dominion (the official Donald X version) due out approx. August 16th. The old one has been pulled from the store.
- Cutthroat Caverns will be demoed at GenCon
- Smash Up! in development
- Can’t Stop in development
- Lost Cities due 8/23
- Target will exclusively be carrying a dumbed down version of Fluxx. The more “difficult” version as well as the expansions will still be carried by game stores.
- Days of Wonder (Ticket to Ride, Memoir ’44, Shadows Over Camelot, etc.) CEO Eric Hautemont was interviewed by GigaOM on how his company can flourish in the era of video games when big firms like Zynga are falling apart.
Recently Played:
- My family made a trip to some friends in New Jersey and it unexpectedly turned into an overnight gaming party. They all fell in love with Jungle Speed. We must have played that at least a dozen times. We also played Eye to Eye and Curses, the latter of which may be the single silliest game I’ve ever played. At one point, it had me barking out orders at the top of my lungs, swatting at imaginary mosquitos, and clucking like a chicken all at the same time; much to the amusement of the rest of the table.
Happy gaming!
Thanks for mentioning Jungle Ascent! We'll be launching the kickstarter campaign tomorrow!