I was on vacation last week, but back this week with another entry. The Olympics is gaming, right? Just more sports than sitting down and moving meeples...
- From the Spiel podcasters, a 43-minute video documentary on the manufacturing process of board games
- Interested in opening a game store? I had been seriously toying with the idea about 6 or 7 years ago. Game owner Michael Bahr published his 5 biggest mistakes made by game store owners.
- Pimp My Game: Someone made a custom Blood Bowl pitch that has blown everyone’s mind. It looks dangerous!
- Pimp My Game II: If you want to replace your paper money in games, then feel free to order these industrial resource chips (glorified poker chips) from I Will Never Grow Up.
- Good Eats: Settlers of Catan birthday cake
- Funny geeklist featuring comments from the lowest raters of some of the most highly rated games. My favorite is Puerto Rico: “Played 4 times........annoying is the nicest thing I can come up with. Only way I play this again is if a table of swimsuit models asks me to join them.”
- Fun “Name That Game” contest. Oh and I haven’t the foggiest idea on some of these!
- Some fun board game title mashups. My favorite is “Kitty Admiral”, also “Monster for President”
New Games:
- Il Vecchio: Use your family members to roam the Tuscan region of Italy and recruit followers and collect money in order to overtake Italian provinces. The more you have, the more you can do. The game play seems very similar to El Grande, or at the very least the mural restoration of Fresco.
- Helvetia Cup: Anyone who reads this blog on a regular basis is quite familiar with my love for Blood Bowl. Helvetia Cup seems to be closer to “soccer”, but pits fantasy races against each other nonetheless.
- Recently released: Alien Frontiers: Factions, Lyssan, Danube 20, Dragon Clash, 7 Wonders: Cities, LOT, Banners of Betrayal, Dungeon Command: Heart of Cormyr, Dungeon Command: Sting of Lloth, Dominant Species: The Card Game, Rodeo Rummy, Starship Merchants, Indigo, Chupacabra: Survive the Night, Go Goblin Go!, 1830 Cardgame
- Ticket to Ride: Europe Pocket (iPhone version) – hopefully they’ve fixed the notification issues that the original pocket has which makes online asynchronous play unmanageable
- San Juan release beginning of August
- Café International release end of July (wait, that’s today, isn’t it?)
- Can’t Say That! (a.k.a. Taboo) released
- Sixes (a.k.a. Quirkle) released
- Pandemic in development
- Race for the Galaxy in development
- Through the Ages due September
- Age of Industry due 2013
- Dominion in Alpha testing
- Alien Frontiers kickstarter funded and game due in August (?)
- Agricola due this fall
- Eclipse in development
- 7 Wonders in development
- Geek and Sundry (Felicia Day and Wil Wheaton) have teamed with Target stores to feature TableTop games in Target with a sticker saying “As Seen On…”. This is pretty amazing for a fledgling Google investment.
- For those familiar with the TED talks hosted by Google, Spoiled Flush Games recently gave a talk about board games. I have not had a chance to preview it yet though, so I don’t know how good it is.
- The Games in Education Symposium is going to be in Troy NY this week
Recently Played:
- On vacation, there was a decent amount of gaming including many games of Dominion and No Thanks. We also taught our friends Qwirkle and 7 Wonders.
Happy Gaming!