- Funny comic about losing board games
- Pimp my Game: Someone did up a custom painted set of robots for RoboRally for the Jack Vasel Charity Fund Auction. They look amazing!
- Pimp my Game II: I’ve got a painted set of minis for my Ghost Stories game, but this guy makes me want to redo them with the original plastic minis. Excellent job!
- Pimp my Game III: Someone made new acrylic resource tokens for Agricola. Looks professionally made, but I’m not sure by whom.
- What happens when your math teacher is a board gamer? You get set theory problems like the one on the bottom of this Board Game Geek News post.
- If anyone’s interested, the director of Going Cardboard released a diary on the making of the film on BGG.
- What happens when you let an angry board gamer loose on a video recorder?
- Coolest name for a convention: Spore Con in Singapore.
- Don’t tell my son! Transforming chess pieces.
New Games:
- Mice and Mystics: Cool looking miniature game where players cooperatively try to save their kingdom, but they’ve all been turned into field mice. Explore the castle, avoid dangers and monsters (like cockroaches, spiders and house cats) and try to solve the adventure that you help to create during the game. Role playing meets board gaming. Release in August 2012.
- Recently released: Amateurs to Arms!, Asara, Lost Temple, Abaddon, Virgin Queen
- Android users need not fear that they get no love. There is a review on BGG of a number of board game utilities available on the Android platform including shufflers for Dominion, Thunderstone and Rattus; scoreboards for Agricola, Carcassonne, Lost Cities and Race for the Galaxy; toolboxes for Descent and Magic: The Gathering; and an encyclopedia of races and abilities for Small World
- Ascension: Storm of Souls has been released and is fantastic!
- Le Havre hit beta
- Scotland Yard in development
- Apparently at least one retailer is feeling the boon from the YouTube series TableTop and writes about what they refer to as “The Wheaton Effect” on board game sales.
- This Massachusetts school has a day where seniors come and play board games with the students
Recently Played:
- Played Power Grid with a couple of friends on Friday night. We did the Brazil board which was a very interesting game. The way the plants came out was almost sequential (can you say China?). It made for a very heated and contentious game that I did not fare well in. Still enjoyed it though.
Happy Gaming!
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