Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Board Game Madness 4/4

A day late due to work, but still here!

  • TableTop, the first show of Felicia Day’s new Geek & Sundry YouTube channel, has been posted. This is Wil Weaton (Wesley Crusher of Star Trek: TNG fame) leading other Internet/pop culture celebrities through a board game experience. The first episode is GREAT! Grant Imahara of MythBusters and a couple of Internet people I’ve never heard of play Small World with Wil. It’s really entertaining. They apparently do Settlers of Catan and Pandemic in the future. I’m not sure how often they will release this, but it’s a great way to popularize our hobby. Subscribe for regular updates.
  • The Geek Madness tournament has reached the final four: Twilight Struggle vs. Power Grid and Agricola vs. Puerto Rico
  • For fans of the old Cheapass Games, this guy was pimped for Dungeon Petz, but man he looks like our old friend Devil Bunny!
  • Pimp My Game: This amazing work is for The Legend of Drizzt from WotC. Absolutely incredible craftsmanship…
  • Pimp My Game 2: How about easels for Modern Art? Could probably be used for Pastiche too.

New Games:
  • Sky Traders: Fantasy Flight’s new game is actually a Euro. A pickup and deliver game where you are a merchant sailing your airships, using influence and manipulating markets. Due June 2012.
  • Power Grid: Quebec & Baden-Wuerttemberg: New maps for the four-time Geek Madness champion. This is a single print run so get it if you want it. April/May release date.
  • The Mystery of the Templars: Play a templar and assign your knights to missions to gain balance trade, development and battle. Due in May, this sounds like a very interesting game from Stratelibri, an Italian distributor.
  • Space Cadets: From Geoff Engelstein and the rest of his family (The Ares Project), Stronghold Games (Core Worlds) is releasing their new cooperative game with a sci-fi feel of being a bridge officer on a starship. You work with the rest of the crew to accomplish mission goals. Due in late 2012. Also, they are releasing a mob-play event game called Space Cadets – Live! that will support up to 30 players where everyone divides into teams for different functions of the starship. This will premier at DEXCON 15 in Morristown NJ on July 5th.
  • Recent releases: Zombie Dice 2: Double Feature, Caveman Curling, Pizza Theory, Zong Shi, Word on the Street: Expansion I

  • Nightfall submitted to App Store
  • Le Havre due in May
  • Ubongo Puzzle Adventure Lite released
  • Shogun in development
  • Thunderstone AID released – has card pics, randomizer, saved setups and a card creator

  • In the Podcasting world, a couple of shout outs. The D6 Generation, who gives a little Euro love, but mostly adventure and miniature gaming, just hit their 100th episode. Also, Game On! with Cody and John just released their penultimate episode where they review Wiz-War and reveal their “gaming manifesto”. Both are very entertaining and should be honored.
  • Interesting take on the history and evolution of the game Risk. I had no idea that it was released by a French company, not US. So much for Ameritrash…
  • A Game of Thrones: The Board Game is reviewed by Time Magazine. Yes, that’s right. Time.

Recently Played

Happy Gaming!

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