I just did a math trade with NerdNYC board gamers. I gave up Cuba, Ticket to Ride: The Card Game and Odin's Ravens. In return, I got Last Night on Earth (to go with Invasion from Outer Space), Ubongo Duel and Quarriors. My wife's actually more excited than I am!
- "Men, this is pretty hairy terrain. I suggest we keep on the look out for anything fishy." "Hey sarge? What's the big eye on the horizon?" "Aaaah!!!!!"
- In this economy, it's sometimes difficult to figure out where your next meal is coming from...
- Apparently someone found exception to some of the rules/mechanics to the Lord of the Rings card game. They've put up some very humorous dialogs (1, 2 and 3) highlighting their frustrations
- Ack! Now I'll have nightmares...
- Pimp My Game: I profess my undying love to this incredible Runebound board complete with REAL terrain!
- Obviously biased geeklist, but a funny read nonetheless about comparing Kirk and Picard from Star Trek fame
New Games:
- Star Wars: Battle of Hoth: LEGO is coming out with a new game patterned after the ice planet from The Empire Strikes Back. The components look really cool. No write-up right now, nor timing of release.
- Thunderstone Advance: Yes, another expansion for the deck builder. This one seems to be more of the same, but with new concepts in the village and something involving card frames. Release date currently not solidified.
- Oz Fluxx: Yes, the Looney Labs folks have taken their chaos to the realm of the Emerald City. Release date unknown.
- Recently released: Star Trek: The Next Generation (deck building game), Why?, Ora et Labora, Santiago de Cuba
- I found a site that reviews iPad Board Games and they are looking for more raters if you are interested.
- Lebanon, OH (isn't that where Klinger is from?) is having an antique show that will feature hand crafted board games from the 19th century. I wonder if this will mean I now have to go to antique shows. I always avoided them like the plague...
- The Portsmouth News in the UK has released their top 10 modern board games. OK, I get it. It's a mainstream view. But their only inclusion of a "hobby game" is Blokus. No rants... just wish they had more vision to the other games. Even if they discounted them.
Gaming Log:
- Not much this week. Did mostly painting of the figures for Invasion from Outer Space: The Martian Game for Recess, a NerdNYC convention running this weekend.
- Hosted a couple of new coaches for my Blood Bowl league to teach them the game. Then we played Lords of Vegas. That's always a fun one!
Happy gaming!
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