CRAZY busy at work, so short edition this week.
- Thank you Laura for this Baby Blues comic
- Hysterical 5-second silent reviews: Dominion and Dungeonquest
- Pimp my game: GMT is offering plastic tokens for Dominant Species
New Games:
- Recently released: Locke & Key: The Game
- Heroclix in development
- Survive expected out next month
- 7 Wonders in development, no date
- Evo in development, no date
- Wits and Wagers in development, no date
- Board game nights are all the rage now. Maine, Madison Cty NY, Texas
- Some med students at Western University in Canada developed a board game to be used in school to teach how different medical disciplines approach health care
Recently Played:
- Didn't have an opponent at our monthly Blood Bowl meetup, so I taught Quarriors! a few more times and for the first time in my life I finally played Cosmic Wimpout. It was actually fun, in a really lucky sort of way.
- More Quarriors! for friends and a little Dominion thrown in for good measure.